▼Nfmt | |
Cformatter< kagome::common::Blob< N > > | |
Cformatter< kagome::common::Buffer > | |
Cformatter< kagome::common::BufferView > | |
Cformatter< kagome::primitives::detail::BlockInfoT< Tag > > | |
Cformatter< kagome::storage::trie::KeyNibbles > | |
Cformatter< libp2p::peer::PeerId > | |
Cformatter< outcome::result< Result, Failure > > | |
Cformatter< std::error_code > | |
▼Nkagome | |
►Napi | |
►Nauthor | |
►Nrequest | |
CHasKey | |
CHasSessionKeys | |
CInsertKey | |
CPendingExtrinsics | Returns all pending extrinsics, potentially grouped by sender |
CRotateKeys | |
CSubmitAndWatchExtrinsic | |
CSubmitExtrinsic | |
CUnwatchExtrinsic | |
CAuthorJRpcProcessor | Extrinsic submission service implementation |
►Nchain | |
►Nrequest | |
CGetBlock | |
►CGetBlockhash | |
CNoParameters | |
CGetFinalizedHead | |
CGetHeader | |
CSubscribeFinalizedHeads | |
CSubscribeNewHeads | |
CUnsubscribeFinalizedHeads | |
CUnsubscribeNewHeads | |
CChainJrpcProcessor | Extrinsic submission service implementation |
►Nchild_state | |
►Nrequest | |
CGetKeys | |
CGetKeysPaged | |
CGetStorage | |
CGetStorageHash | |
CGetStorageSize | |
CChildStateJrpcProcessor | |
►Ndetails | |
CRequestType | |
►Ninternal | |
►Nrequest | |
CSetLogLevel | |
CInternalJrpcProcessor | Extrinsic submission service implementation |
►Npayment | |
►Nrequest | |
CQueryInfo | |
CPaymentJRpcProcessor | |
►Nrpc | |
►Nrequest | |
CMethods | |
CRpcJRpcProcessor | |
►Nstate | |
►Nrequest | |
CCall | |
CGetKeysPaged | |
CGetMetadata | |
CGetRuntimeVersion | |
CGetStorage | |
CQueryStorage | |
CQueryStorageAt | |
CSubscribeRuntimeVersion | |
CSubscribeStorage | |
CUnsubscribeRuntimeVersion | |
CUnsubscribeStorage | |
CStateJrpcProcessor | |
►Nsystem | |
►Nrequest | |
CAccountNextIndex | |
CChain | Get the chain's type. Given as a string identifier |
CChainType | Get the chain's type. Given as a string identifier |
CHealth | Return health status of the node |
CName | Get the node's implementation name |
CPeers | Returns currently connected peers |
CProperties | Get a custom set of properties as a JSON object, defined in the chain spec |
CVersion | Get the node implementation's version. Should be a semver string |
CSystemJrpcProcessor | |
CApiService | |
►CApiServiceImpl | |
CListenerList | |
CProcessorSpan | |
CSessionSubscriptions | |
CAuthorApi | |
CAuthorApiImpl | |
CChainApi | |
CChainApiImpl | |
CChildStateApi | |
CChildStateApiImpl | |
CHttpListenerImpl | Server which listens for incoming connection, accepts connections making session from socket |
►CHttpSession | HTTP session for api service |
CConfiguration | |
CInternalApi | |
CInternalApiImpl | |
CJrpcHandleBatch | |
CJRpcProcessor | |
CJRpcServer | |
CJRpcServerImpl | |
CJsonWriter | |
►CListener | Server which listens for incoming connection, accepts connections making session from socket |
CConfiguration | |
CMethod | |
CParser | |
CPaymentApi | |
CPaymentApiImpl | |
CRpcApi | |
CRpcApiImpl | |
CRpcContext | |
►CRpcThreadPool | Thread pool for serve RPC calls |
CConfiguration | |
CSession | Rpc session |
►CStateApi | |
►CStorageChangeSet | |
CChange | |
CStateApiImpl | |
CSystemApi | |
CSystemApiImpl | |
CWsListenerImpl | Server which listens for incoming connection, accepts connections making session from socket |
►CWsSession | |
CConfiguration | |
►Napplication | |
►Nmode | |
CPrintChainInfoMode | |
CRecoveryMode | Mode for recover state to provided block |
CAppConfiguration | |
►CAppConfigurationImpl | |
CSegmentHandler | |
CAppStateException | |
CAppStateManager | |
CAppStateManagerImpl | |
CChainSpec | |
CChainSpecImpl | |
CKagomeApplication | |
CKagomeApplicationImpl | |
CMode | Special mode of running |
►Nauthority | |
CAuthorityManager | |
►CAuthorityManagerImpl | |
CConfig | |
CAuthorityUpdateObserver | |
CConsensusMessages | |
►CScheduleNode | Node of scheduler tree. Contains actual authorities for the accorded block and all its descendant blocks until any changes are applied. May contain one of the changes |
CForcedChange | |
CPause | |
CResume | |
CScheduledChange | |
►Nauthority_discovery | |
CAddressPublisher | |
►Nauthorship | |
CBlockBuilder | |
CBlockBuilderFactory | |
CBlockBuilderFactoryImpl | |
CBlockBuilderImpl | |
CProposer | |
CProposerImpl | |
►Nblockchain | |
CBlockHeaderRepository | |
CBlockHeaderRepositoryImpl | |
CBlockStorage | |
CBlockStorageImpl | |
CBlockTree | |
CBlockTreeImpl | |
CCachedTree | |
CDigestTracker | |
CDigestTrackerImpl | |
CJustificationStoragePolicy | |
CJustificationStoragePolicyImpl | |
CTreeMeta | |
CTreeNode | |
►Nclock | |
CBasicWaitableTimer | |
CClock | |
CClockImpl | |
CTimer | |
►Ncommon | |
►Ndynamic_variant | Impl details for boost::variant initialization by type index at runtime |
Cfunctors_vector_builder | Prepares initializers for each type of variant |
Cis_boost_variant | |
Cis_boost_variant< boost::variant< Ts... > > | |
CBlob | |
CBufferView | |
CMaxSizeException | |
CSizeLimitedContainer | |
CSLBuffer | Class represents arbitrary (including empty) byte buffer |
Cspin_lock | |
CUri | |
CVariantBuilder | |
CWrapper | Make strongly typed structures from different concepts of the equal types. E.g. block height and round number are both uint64_t, but better to be different types. Or, ID and Signature both vectors |
►Nconsensus | |
►Nbabe | |
CBabe | |
CBabeConfigRepository | Keeps actual babe configuration |
CBabeConfigRepositoryImpl | |
CBabeImpl | |
CCandidateCommitments | |
CCandidateDescriptor | |
CCandidateReceipt | |
CCommittedCandidate | |
►CConsistencyKeeper | |
CGuard | |
CConsistencyKeeperImpl | |
CDisputeRequest | |
COutboundHrmpMessage | |
CParachainInherentData | |
CRecipientTag | The recipient Id as defined in Definition 7.5 (non existent definition) |
CUpwardMessageTag | An upward message as defined in Definition 7.8 (non existent definition) |
CVote | |
►Ngrandpa | |
►Ndetail | |
CEquivocation | Proof of an equivocation (double-vote) in a given round |
CCatchUpObserver | Observes incoming catch-up messages. Abstraction of a network |
CChain | |
CCommit | A commit message which is an aggregate of precommits |
CCompactCommit | |
CEnvironment | |
CEnvironmentImpl | |
CEquivocated | |
CGrandpa | |
CGrandpaConfig | |
►CGrandpaContext | |
CGuard | |
CGrandpaImpl | |
CGrandpaJustification | |
CGrandpaObserver | |
CJustificationObserver | Observes justification assigned to syncing blocks |
CMovableRoundState | Stores the current state of the round |
CNeighborObserver | Observes incoming neighbor messages. Abstraction of a network |
CRoundObserver | Observes incoming messages. Abstraction of a network |
CSignedMessage | |
CSignedPrecommit | |
CSignedPrevote | |
CTotalWeight | |
CVoteCryptoProvider | |
CVoteCryptoProviderImpl | |
►CVoteGraph | |
CEntry | |
CSubchain | |
CVoteGraphImpl | |
CVoteMessage | |
CVoterSet | |
CVoteTracker | |
CVoteTrackerImpl | |
►CVoteWeight | |
COneTypeVoteWeight | |
CVotingRound | |
CVotingRoundImpl | |
CBabeBlockHeader | |
CBabeBlockValidator | |
CBabeConfigNode | |
CBabeDigestObserver | |
CBabeLottery | |
CBabeLotteryImpl | |
CBabeUtil | |
CBlockAppender | |
CBlockAppenderImpl | |
CBlockExecutor | |
CBlockExecutorImpl | |
CBlockValidator | |
CEpochDescriptor | |
CEpochDigest | Data are corresponding to the epoch |
CSeal | |
►Ncrypto | |
►Nbip39 | |
CDictionary | |
CEntropyAccumulator | |
CEntropyToken | |
CMnemonic | |
►Nconstants | |
►Nsr25519 | |
►Nsecp256k1 | |
CBip39Provider | |
CBip39ProviderImpl | |
Cblake2b_ctx | |
Cblake2s_ctx | |
Cblake2s_ctx_full | |
CCryptoStore | |
CCryptoStoreImpl | |
CCryptoSuite | |
CDevMnemonicPhrase | |
CEcdsaKeypair | |
CEcdsaKeypairAndSeed | |
CEcdsaProvider | |
CEcdsaProviderImpl | |
CEcdsaSuite | |
CEd25519Keypair | |
CEd25519KeypairAndSeed | |
CEd25519Provider | |
CEd25519ProviderImpl | |
CEd25519Suite | |
CHasher | |
CHasherImpl | |
CKeyCache | |
CKeyFileStorage | |
CPbkdf2Provider | |
CPbkdf2ProviderImpl | |
CSecp256k1Provider | |
CSecp256k1ProviderImpl | |
CSessionKeys | |
CSr25519Keypair | |
CSr25519KeypairAndSeed | |
CSr25519Provider | |
CSr25519ProviderImpl | |
CSr25519Suite | |
CVRFOutput | |
CVRFProvider | |
CVRFProviderImpl | |
CVRFVerifyOutput | |
►Nface | |
CGenericIterator | |
►Nhost_api | |
CChildStorageExtension | |
CCryptoExtension | |
CHostApi | |
CHostApiFactory | |
CHostApiFactoryImpl | |
CHostApiImpl | |
CIOExtension | |
CMemoryExtension | |
CMiscExtension | |
COffchainExtension | |
COffchainExtensionConfig | |
CStorageExtension | |
►Ninjector | |
CKagomeNodeInjector | |
CKagomeNodeInjectorImpl | |
►Nlog | |
CConfigurator | |
►Nmetrics | |
CCounter | A counter metric to represent a monotonically increasing value |
►CExposer | Http server interface to expose metrics on request with custom request handler |
CConfiguration | |
CExposerImpl | |
CGauge | A gauge metric to represent a value that can arbitrarily go up and down |
CHandler | Interface to add request handler for metrics::Exposer implementation generally will contain metrics serializer |
CHistogram | A histogram metric to represent aggregatable distributions of events |
CMetricsWatcher | |
CPrometheusCounter | |
CPrometheusGauge | |
CPrometheusHandler | |
CPrometheusHistogram | |
CPrometheusRegistry | |
CPrometheusSummary | |
CRegistry | Class stores metrics, provides interface to create metrics and families of metrics TODO(sanblch) rethink interface to avoid error on calling registering metrics before registering family provides interfaces to register families and metrics of metric types: counter, gauge, histogram, summary |
►CSession | Session interface for OpenMetrics service |
CConfiguration | |
CSessionImpl | |
CSummary | A summary metric samples observations over a sliding window of time |
►Nnetwork | |
►Ndetail | |
►CBlocksResponseCache | |
CCacheRecord | |
►Nreputation | |
CBlockAnnounce | |
CBlockAnnounceObserver | |
CBlockAnnounceProtocol | |
CBlockAnnounceTransmitter | |
CBlockAnnounceTransmitterImpl | |
CBlockAttributes | |
CBlocksRequest | |
CBlocksResponse | |
CBootstrapNodes | |
CCandidateCommitments | |
CCandidateDescriptor | |
CCandidateReceipt | |
CCatchUpRequest | |
CCatchUpResponse | |
CCollationFetchingRequest | |
CCollationFetchingResponse | |
CCollationObserver | |
CCollationProtocol | |
CCollationResponse | |
CCollatorAdvertisement | |
CCollatorDeclaration | |
CCollatorState | |
CCommittedCandidateReceipt | |
CErasureChunk | A chunk of erasure-encoded block data |
CExtrinsicObserver | |
CExtrinsicObserverImpl | |
CFullCommitMessage | |
CGrandpaNeighborMessage | |
CGrandpaProtocol | |
CGrandpaTransmitter | |
CGrandpaTransmitterImpl | |
CGrandpaVote | |
CIReqCollationProtocol | |
CKeyValueStateEntry | A key value state |
CMessage | |
CMessageReadWriter | |
CMessageReadWriter< Adapter, NoSink > | |
CMessagesSequence | |
CNoData | |
CNoSink | |
COutboundHorizontal | |
COwnPeerInfo | |
CParachainBlock | |
CParachainState | |
CPeerDescriptor | |
CPeeringConfig | |
CPeerManager | |
CPeerManagerImpl | |
CPeerState | |
CPendingCollation | |
CPropagatedExtrinsics | |
CPropagateTransactionsProtocol | |
CProtobufMessageAdapter | |
CProtobufMessageAdapter< BlocksRequest > | |
CProtobufMessageAdapter< BlocksResponse > | |
CProtobufMessageAdapter< StateRequest > | |
CProtobufMessageAdapter< StateResponse > | |
CProtobufMessageReadWriter | |
CProtocolBase | |
CProtocolBaseImpl | |
CProtocolFactory | |
CReputationChange | |
CReputationRepository | |
CReputationRepositoryImpl | |
CReqCollationObserver | |
CReqCollationProtocol | |
CReqCollationProtocolImpl | |
CRequestResponseProtocol | |
CRoles | |
CRoles.flags | |
CRouter | |
CRouterLibp2p | |
CRPC | |
CScaleMessageReadWriter | |
CSeconded | |
CSigned | Payload signed by validator |
CStateEntry | A key-value pair |
CStatement | |
CStateProtocol | Class for communication via /{chainType}/state/2 according to state protocol specification https://spec.polkadot.network/#sect-msg-state-request |
CStateProtocolImpl | |
CStateProtocolObserver | |
CStateProtocolObserverImpl | |
CStateRequest | |
CStateResponse | |
CStatus | |
►CStreamEngine | |
CProtocolDescr | |
CProtocolDescr.incoming | |
CProtocolDescr.outgoing | |
CRandomGossipStrategy | |
CSynchronizer | |
►CSynchronizerImpl | |
CKnownBlock | |
CSyncProtocol | Class for communication via /{chainType}/sync/2 according to sync protocol specification https://spec.polkadot.network/#sect-msg-block-request |
CSyncProtocolImpl | |
CSyncProtocolObserver | |
CSyncProtocolObserverImpl | |
CTransactionsTransmitter | |
CTransactionsTransmitterImpl | |
CUVarMessageAdapter | |
►Nobservers | |
CCollationObserverImpl | |
CReqCollationObserverImpl | |
►Noffchain | |
CFailure | |
CHttpRequest | |
CNoPayload | |
COffchainLocalStorage | It is revertible and fork-aware. It means that any value set by the offchain worker triggered at a certain block is reverted if that block is reverted as non-canonical. The value is NOT available for the worker that is re-run at the next or any future blocks |
COffchainLocalStorageImpl | |
COffchainPersistentStorage | It is non-revertible and not fork-aware. It means that any value set by the offchain worker is persisted even if that block (at which the worker is called) is reverted as non-canonical (meaning that the block was surpassed by a longer chain). The value is available for the worker that is re-run at the new (different block with the same block number) and future blocks. This storage can be used by offchain workers to handle forks and coordinate offchain workers running on different forks |
COffchainPersistentStorageImpl | |
COffchainStorage | |
COffchainWorker | |
COffchainWorkerFactory | |
COffchainWorkerFactoryImpl | |
COffchainWorkerImpl | |
COffchainWorkerPool | |
COffchainWorkerPoolImpl | |
COpaqueNetworkState | |
CResult | |
CSuccess | |
►Nparachain | |
CAvailabilityStore | Stores ErasureChunk, PoV and PersistedValidationData |
►CAvailabilityStoreImpl | |
CPerCandidate | |
CBitfieldSigner | Signs, stores and broadcasts bitfield for every new head |
CBitfieldStore | Stores bitfields signed by validators |
CBitfieldStoreImpl | |
CParachainObserverImpl | |
►CParachainProcessorImpl | |
CAttestingData | |
CFetchedCollationState | |
CImportStatementSummary | |
CValidateAndSecondResult | |
CSigningContext | A type returned by runtime with current session index and a parent hash |
CValidatorSigner | Signs payload with signing context and validator keypair |
CValidatorSignerFactory | Creates validator signer |
►Nprimitives | |
►Ndetail | |
CBlockInfoT | |
CDigestItemCommon | |
►Ndispatch_error | |
CArithmetic | An arithmetic error |
CBadOrigin | A bad origin |
CCannotLookup | Failed to lookup some data |
CConsumerRemaining | At least one consumer is remaining so the account cannot be destroyed |
CModule | A custom error in a module |
CNoProviders | There are no providers so the account cannot be created |
COther | Some unclassified error occurred |
CToken | An error to do with tokens |
►Nevents | |
CBroadcastEventParams | |
CExtrinsicLifecycleEvent | |
CFinalityTimeoutEventParams | |
CFinalizedEventParams | |
CInBlockEventParams | |
CRetractedEventParams | |
CUsurpedEventParams | |
►Nparachain | |
CRelay | Relay primitive is empty in polkadot for now |
CAuthority | |
CAuthorityId | |
CAuthorityListChange | |
CAuthoritySet | |
CBabeConfiguration | Configuration data used by the BABE consensus engine |
CBlock | Block class represents polkadot block primitive |
CBlockData | |
CBlockDataFlags | |
CBlockHeader | |
CCheckInherentsResult | Result of check_inherents method of BlockBuilder runtime api |
CCodeSubstituteBlockIds | |
CConsensus | |
CDecodedConsensusMessage | |
CDelayInChain | |
CDispatchSuccess | |
CExtrinsic | Extrinsic class represents extrinsic |
CForcedChange | |
CGenesisBlockHeader | |
CInherentData | |
CJustification | |
CNextConfigDataV1 | |
CNextEpochData | |
COnDisabled | |
COther | |
CPause | |
CPreRuntime | |
CResume | |
CRpcMethods | |
CRuntimeDispatchInfo | |
CRuntimeEnvironmentUpdated | Runtime code or heap pages updated |
CScheduledChange | |
CSeal | |
CSession | Session primitive |
CStrobe | |
CTransaction | |
CTranscript | |
CValidTransaction | Information concerning a valid transaction |
CVersion | |
►Nruntime | |
►Nbinaryen | |
CBinaryenInstanceEnvironment | |
CBinaryenMemoryFactory | |
CBinaryenMemoryProvider | |
CCoreApiFactoryImpl | |
CInstanceEnvironmentFactory | |
CMemoryImpl | |
CModuleFactoryImpl | |
CModuleImpl | |
CModuleInstanceImpl | |
COneCodeProvider | |
COneModuleRepository | |
CRuntimeExternalInterface | |
►Nwavm | |
CCompartmentWrapper | |
CCompartmentWrapperImpl | |
CCoreApiFactoryImpl | |
CInstanceEnvironmentFactory | |
CIntrinsicModule | |
CIntrinsicModuleInstance | |
CIntrinsicResolver | |
CIntrinsicResolverImpl | |
CMemoryImpl | |
CModuleCache | |
CModuleFactoryImpl | |
CModuleImpl | |
CModuleInstanceImpl | |
CModuleParams | Global parameters for module instantiation. Currently contains only memory type that may be changed on new runtime compilation |
COneCodeProvider | |
COneModuleRepository | |
CWavmExternalMemoryProvider | |
CWavmInternalMemoryProvider | |
CAccountNonceApi | |
CAccountNonceApiImpl | |
CAuthorityDiscoveryApi | |
CAuthorityDiscoveryApiImpl | |
CBabeApi | |
CBabeApiImpl | |
CBlockBuilder | |
CBlockBuilderImpl | |
CBorrowedInstance | Wrapper type over sptr<ModuleInstance>. Allows to return instance back to the ModuleInstancePool upon destruction of BorrowedInstance |
CCandidate | |
CCandidateBacked | |
CCandidateCommitments | |
CCandidateDescriptor | |
CCandidateIncluded | |
CCandidateReceipt | |
CCandidateTimedOut | |
CCommittedCandidateReceipt | |
CConstantCodeProvider | |
CCore | |
CCoreApiFactory | |
CCoreImpl | |
CExecutor | |
CGrandpaApi | Interface for Grandpa runtime functions |
CGrandpaApiImpl | |
CInboundDownwardMessage | |
CInboundHrmpMessage | |
CInstanceEnvironment | |
CMemory | |
►CMemoryAllocator | |
CMemoryHandle | |
CMemoryProvider | |
CMetadata | |
CMetadataImpl | |
CModule | |
CModuleFactory | |
CModuleInstance | |
CModuleRepository | |
CModuleRepositoryImpl | |
COccupiedCore | Information about a core which is currently occupied |
COffchainWorkerApi | |
COffchainWorkerApiImpl | |
COutboundHrmpMessage | |
CParachainHost | |
CParachainHostImpl | |
CPersistedValidationData | |
CPersistentResult | |
CPersistentResult< void > | |
CPtrSize | |
CRawExecutor | |
CRuntimeCodeProvider | |
CRuntimeEnvironment | |
►CRuntimeEnvironmentFactory | |
CRuntimeEnvironmentTemplate | |
CRuntimeInstancesPool | Pool of runtime instances - per state. Incapsulates modules cache |
CRuntimePropertiesCache | |
CRuntimePropertiesCacheImpl | |
CRuntimeUpgradeTracker | |
►CRuntimeUpgradeTrackerImpl | |
CRuntimeUpgradeData | |
CScheduledCore | Information about a core which is currently occupied |
CSessionInfo | |
CSessionKeysApi | |
CSessionKeysApiImpl | |
CSingleModuleCache | |
►CSmallLruCache | |
CCacheEntry | |
CStorageCodeProvider | |
CTaggedTransactionQueue | |
CTaggedTransactionQueueImpl | |
CTransactionPaymentApi | |
CTransactionPaymentApiImpl | |
CTrieStorageProvider | |
CTrieStorageProviderImpl | |
►Nstorage | |
►Nchanges_trie | |
CChangesTracker | |
CStorageChangesTrackerImpl | |
►Nface | |
CBatchWriteable | A mixin for a map that supports batching for efficiency of modifications |
CGenericMap | An abstraction over a readable, writeable, iterable key-value map |
CGenericStorage | |
CIterable | A mixin for an iterable map |
CMapCursor | An abstraction over generic map cursor |
CReadableBase | |
CReadableMap | A mixin for read-only map |
CReadableStorage | |
CReadOnlyMap | An abstraction over a readable and iterable key-value map |
CReadOnlyStorage | |
CWriteable | An mixin for modifiable map |
CWriteBatch | An abstraction over a storage, which can be used for batch writes |
►Ntrie | |
CBranchContainingHashesNode | |
CBranchNode | |
CBufferStream | |
CCodec | Internal codec for nodes in the Trie. Eth and substrate have different codecs, but rest of the code should be same |
CDummyNode | |
CEphemeralTrieBatch | |
CEphemeralTrieBatchImpl | |
CKeyNibbles | |
CLeafContainingHashesNode | |
CLeafNode | |
CNode | |
COpaqueNodeStorage | |
COpaqueTrieNode | |
CPersistentTrieBatch | |
CPersistentTrieBatchImpl | |
CPolkadotCodec | |
CPolkadotTrie | |
CPolkadotTrieCursor | |
►CPolkadotTrieCursorImpl | |
CInvalidState | |
CReachedEndState | |
CSearchState | |
CTriePathEntry | |
CUninitializedState | |
CPolkadotTrieFactory | |
CPolkadotTrieFactoryImpl | |
CPolkadotTrieImpl | |
CTopperTrieBatch | |
CTopperTrieBatchImpl | |
CTrieBatch | |
CTrieNode | |
CTrieSerializer | |
CTrieSerializerImpl | |
CTrieStorage | |
CTrieStorageBackend | |
CTrieStorageBackendBatch | |
CTrieStorageBackendImpl | |
CTrieStorageImpl | |
CInMemoryBatch | |
CInMemoryStorage | |
►CRocksDB | |
CBatch | |
CRocksDBCursor | |
►Nsubscription | |
CExtrinsicEventKeyRepository | |
CSubscriber | |
CSubscriptionEngine | |
►Ntelemetry | |
►CMessagePool | |
CRecord | |
CTelemetryConnection | |
CTelemetryConnectionImpl | |
CTelemetryEndpoint | |
CTelemetryService | |
CTelemetryServiceImpl | |
►Ntransaction_pool | |
CPoolModerator | |
►CPoolModeratorImpl | |
CParams | |
►CTransactionPool | |
CLimits | |
CStatus | |
CTransactionPoolImpl | |
CEmpty | |
Cis_shared_ptr | |
Cis_shared_ptr< std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
Cis_smart_ptr | |
Cis_smart_ptr< std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
Cis_smart_ptr< std::unique_ptr< T > > | |
Cis_unique_ptr | |
Cis_unique_ptr< std::unique_ptr< T > > | |
CNumTag | Number-based marker-type for using as tag |
CStub | Stub-class for unimplemented types |
CTagged | |
CWrapper | |
▼Nlibp2p | |
►Nconnection | |
CStreamProxyBase | |
CStreamReadBuffer | |
►Ncrypto | |
▼Nscale | |
CPeerInfoSerializable | |
▼Nstd | STL namespace |
Cback_insert_iterator< kagome::common::SLBuffer< MaxSize > > | |
Chash< kagome::common::Blob< N > > | |
Chash< kagome::common::SLBuffer< N > > | |
Chash< kagome::common::Wrapper< T, Tag > > | |
Chash< kagome::network::BlockAttributes > | |
Chash< kagome::network::BlocksRequest > | |
▼Ntools | |
►Ncontainers | |
CCacheUnit | |
CObjectsCache | |
CObjectsCacheManager | |
CObjectsCacheManager< T > | |
CObjsCacheDefAlloc | |
▼NWAVM | |
CBox | |
CCommand | |
CCommandExecutionError | |
CCommandParser | |
CConfigurator | |
CInspectBlockCommand | |
Cis_optional | |
Cis_optional< typename std::optional< T > > | |
CNonCopyable | |
CNonMovable | |
CPrintHelpCommand | |
CQueryStateCommand | |
CRemoveBlockCommand | |
CSafeObject | |
CSearchChainCommand | |
Csha3_context_ | |
Csha3_context_.__unnamed__ | |
CTicToc | |
CUnreachable_At_Line | This file declares UNREACHABLE macro. Use it to prevent compiler warnings |