8 #include <prometheus/counter.h> 9 #include <prometheus/gauge.h> 10 #include <prometheus/histogram.h> 11 #include <prometheus/summary.h> PrometheusCounter(prometheus::Counter &m)
PrometheusSummary(prometheus::Summary &m)
void observe(const double value) override
Observe the given amount.
void observe(const double value) override
Observe the given amount.
PrometheusHistogram(prometheus::Histogram &m)
PrometheusGauge(prometheus::Gauge &m)
void inc() override
Increment the gauge by 1.
void dec() override
Decrement the gauge by 1.
void set(double val) override
Set the gauge to the given value.
void inc() override
Increment the counter by 1.
prometheus::Histogram & m_